Thea--Thank you for opening my eyes to a new and deeper perspective through this writing. I have gladly shared it with many of my friends who voted for Kamala and some who voted for Trump and some who were so disgusted by both that they didn't vote at all. Love you, my friend.

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Thank you Pope for sharing this post and for your comment and support. It feels good to stay in the love.

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Wonderfull post..... agreement from my corner.... now to rebuild, support and practice LOVE for all we can move forward. With forgiveness, compassion , understanding and a deep recognition of our flawed humanity, we will know in our hearts we are all in this together and together we can sort it out!

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Yes we can! Thank you for this comment. Together we can do greater good.

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Wow, Thea, you really nailed it, and helped me to fully understand some very sophisticated psychological dynamics in the culture. I have found myself not defending T, not hero-worshipping T in any way, but acknowledging him as a necessary “disrupter” who wears his shadow in his persona, which then activates those who cannot see their own. He’s a perfect projection screen and a shadow magnet, while Kamala has played a different game. As the Devouring Mother she has been the seductress, seducing the collective with bright shiny jewels like Beyoncé and Oprah and Taylor Swift (that cost a lot but had in the end little value) to magnetize her people with visions of fame and fortune, decadence and hedonism framed as “freedom”. Those who know who T really is behind his big guffaw and boastful persona, relish his ability to call out the swamp, and can see his big heart and a beneficial plan & team for “we the people”, which is why we won the election. The Kamala clan can not understand HOW they could have lost, because they perceived they had it all, but if they looked behind her curtain, all they would find was literally a mask.

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Thank you Anyaa for this insightful comment and for casting even more light on what so many are trying to understand. I really appreciate having you as one of my readers.

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Thank you Thea- for dancing into around and beyond archetypes. Good for my meditations and leadership. Staying true to the dreaming way and not letting go of the way of suffering, to stay ensouled with eyes wide open--what a journey. New Mexico gave birth and blessed my current practices. 1000 bows.

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Thank you Cynthia for this heart felt comment and your soulful work in the world. I didn’t know that about you in New Mexico. I am blessed to be here.

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