Since when can you not get a tetanus shot? I mean, just a tetanus shot. Suppose you are an adult who has cut themselves bad enough to draw blood with a sharp, old, rusted piece of tin buried in the ground where an animal urinated, and you needed or wanted to get a tetanus shot. Did you know you also had to be injected with pertussis and diphtheria? Not a bad racket for pharma but very bad for those left with no other option.
That is what happened this past week to my husband, Chuck. He wore gloves while taking a large and heavy cardboard box of scrap metal I had dug out of the backyard of our new desert home where a dog once lived to the dump. A large piece of rusted tin loomed from the top and caught him on the side of his neck when he lifted it. I jumped when he ran into the house. We immediately washed and sanitized the cut with alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, and betadine. I applied piñon salve, which I affectionately call “nature’s Band-Aid.” And I encouraged him to think about getting a tetanus shot.
Thirty years have passed since I last thought about getting a tetanus shot following an incident while hiking in the Sonoran Desert. I fell against a prickly pear cactus and then into a cholla. I became partially covered in cholla needles, and my hand became impaled by a large prickly pear spine. I had to see an orthopedic hand specialist. I declined the tetanus shot.
After Chuck got cut, I didn’t realize how far out of the loop I had fallen. But I did know enough about the potential adverse reactions of diphtheria and pertussis vaccines to coach Chuck to ask for a tetanus-only shot. Little did I know that option no longer exists. The nurse he saw even called the pharmacist to double-check if there was such a thing. The pharmacist laughed her off the phone. What crazy person asks for a stand-alone tetanus shot?
I hadn’t taken a tetanus shot since I was a kid growing up barefoot around horses and barbed wire fences. Once, I incurred a puncture wound from stepping on a metal garden rake used for raking manure. Tetanus bacteria is common in soil, dust, and manure. Mom took me to the doctor, but in the early ‘60s, I received just a tetanus shot, the least likely of the few recommended vaccines back then to cause a vaccine injury.

In 2023, The Cleveland Clinic stated on its website, “The shot may include only the tetanus vaccine or it may include other vaccines in a single shot.” It seems they, too, had been left out of the loop. Because the CDC controls the narrative on DPT (diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus), my Google searches failed to turn up the year doctors stopped giving a tetanus-only shot or when they became no longer available. Wikipedia parroted the CDC. Pharmaceutical manufacturers had quietly stopped making it.
Furious that Chuck could not get the medical treatment he may have needed, I called a girlfriend with two teenage kids.
“Did you know you can no longer get just a tetanus shot?” I fumed.
She knew. I had been out of the loop for too long. She then told me about her friend so badly injured from the Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis) that she had to quit her job as a physician assistant and go on disability. The same combo vaccine had similarly injured another friend working in medicine. They needed the shot for their jobs, but it shattered their careers. My friend encouraged me to consult VAERS (the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). I could feel my rage mounting.
Chuck left the doctor’s office, unwilling to take a combo shot. The nurse didn’t offer to clean or further dress the wound. After returning home from his doctor’s visit, he remembered an incident where he had cut himself at work in 2015 on a piece of metal while loading a desk into a farm truck. His job required that he receive a tetanus shot. He pulled his medical records to confirm that he had received a combo shot. That means he already had protection, but it also meant that he did not receive full disclosure at that time. Meaning that no one told or disclosed to him that his “tetanus” shot also included diphtheria and pertussis. Nor did his current doctor review his health history as recommended under PRECAUTIONS on the package insert for MassBiologics’ TDVAX. Why don’t we look at the package insert before receiving a vaccine? Most people do if taking any other drug. Why do we trust the Medical Industrial Complex so totally?
As a midwife, childbirth educator, and new mother in the late ‘70s and early ‘80s, I researched vaccines and taught vaccine awareness. I felt it essential to give pregnant mothers unbiased information so they could make their own decisions. The DPT vaccine was discontinued in the US by the mid-1980s due to lawsuits related to vaccine injury. Several manufacturers withdrew their DPT vaccines, which paved the way for the US National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) in 1986. The Act waives any liability for pharmaceutical companies and vaccine manufacturers for injuries or deaths caused by vaccines. The same is true today. Pharma is immune from liability.

All diphtheria immunizations for children are combined with tetanus toxoid and pertussis vaccine (DTaP) and given in an injection. Adults receive the diphtheria toxoid in combination with a tetanus toxoid booster, which is recommended every ten years in a vaccine known as Td or Tdap (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis). In 1999, the FDA initiated a voluntary recall of a single lot of DTap vaccine from manufacturer Pasteur-Merieux Connaught Tripedia after children had been receiving it for a solid year. Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. stopped manufacturing the DT vaccine in 2023. The CDC is reviewing their recommendations for infants and children who should NOT receive pertussis-containing vaccines. They have replaced the DT with Tdap. Diphtheria and pertussis spread from person to person, unlike tetanus. And now you can’t get tetanus protection without also being injected with diphtheria and pertussis. The experimentation continues.
I got triggered when Chuck came home, unable to get a tetanus shot. The memory of my son’s adverse reaction following a DPT immunization in 1983 when he was five years old surfaced. He also received the RA 27/3, a human diploid fibroblast vaccine, which became the only rubella vaccine available in the United States after 1979. It is only available in a combo shot (MMR - measles, mumps, and rubella), like tetanus. These shots can have serious side effects. You don’t know what component or ingredient caused the reaction when you give a combo shot.
I had waited to immunize my son until he was a little older since I had breastfed him, was not traveling abroad, and knew the chance of him contracting a rare disease was minimal. I had also been teaching vaccine awareness in my childbirth education classes and researching vaccines extensively. I knew people whose children were vaccine-injured, so I delayed his first immunizations until his immune system had more time to mature. His terrible reaction to the shot exhibited all the signs of diphtheria: infected tonsils, swollen glands, fever and chills, lethargy, and a throat that was swelling shut. He had never been sick before this. They performed an emergency tonsillectomy. Not one of his doctors seemed willing to connect the dots. How many other children had lost their tonsils after receiving a DTP combo vaccine? I wondered. And I am well aware that the CDC says you can’t get the disease from the toxoid (a modified version of the toxin). Coincidence? Perhaps. But I followed my intuition, and my children remained unvaccinated following that incident, except for rubella, which I felt obligated for them to have since I was a practicing midwife (exposure to rubella during pregnancy can cause heart defects in the neonate).
Watch this widely publicized, Emmy Award-winning documentary I shared in the early 1980s in my childbirth education classes before journalistic reporting became as highly censored as it is today. It was produced by veteran journalist and investigative reporter Lea Thompson of WRC-TV in Washington, DC in April 1982. The book, DPT: A Shot in the Dark was published three years later. The book criticizes laws requiring vaccination.
Diphtheria can be treated with antibiotics plus antitoxin to neutralize the toxins secreted by the bacteria. With a peak of over 200,000 cases in 1921, it is now considered a thing of the past. And yet we still immunize for it, blaming the one or two cases that have emerged in the last decade on the unvaccinated. What price are we ultimately paying for our “safety?” When it gets to the point where you can no longer get just a tetanus shot and more and more vaccines are being combined and given to children at younger and younger ages, pharmaceutical companies no longer have any liability for their products, and we move closer to a social credit score system where you can be penalized for not receiving the vaccines they want you to have, I have news for you — the medical-industrial-complex does not have your best interest at heart. The government is not going to keep you safe. The Devouring Mother will not tolerate rebellion.
Many helpful remedies are no longer available, like pHisoHex, ephedra, and codeine. But to no longer have access to a tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccine or booster when it remains on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines is concerning, especially when you consider that it resulted in a 95% decrease in the rate of tetanus with little to no side effects. Unfortunately, tetanus combined with other toxins like diphtheria and pertussis, known to cause severe adverse reactions as reported on VAERS and listed on the packet insert and administered in a combo vaccine, again makes it difficult to determine what component or ingredient has caused the reaction. To make matters worse, the WHO recommends a 5 in 1 tetanus vaccine (DTP combined with vaccines against influenza type B and hepatitis B). The effectiveness of this pentavalent vaccine is yet to be determined and lacks evidence. One reason given for the combination is increased compliance by reducing the number of pricks. There is also a higher likelihood of people taking the shot when combined with tetanus. People are suspicious of pertussis because of its poor track record, but not so with tetanus.
While common in soil, C. tetani infection is rare. Yet it is recommended that pregnant women who have not previously been vaccinated (with Tdap, DTP, DTap, or DT as a child, or Td or TT as an adult) receive a series of three Td to ensure protection against maternal and neonatal tetanus.
A wave of gruesome brain injuries and deaths followed the introduction of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis (DTP) vaccines in the United States and Europe in the 1970s. — RFK, Jr., The Real Anthony Fauci
A study published in The Lancet in 1977 established that the risks of the whole-cell pertussis shot used in the DTP vaccine exceeded the risks associated with wild pertussis. Six years later, a 1983 NIH-funded UCLA study found that Wyeth’s DTP vaccine was killing or causing severe brain injury in 1 in every 300 vaccinated children. Wyeth — now Pfizer — essentially coerced Congress to pass The Act in 1986 to shield vaccine manufacturers from liability. Their financial losses from resultant lawsuits that collapsed the vaccine insurance markets were mounting and threatened to bankrupt the industry. In 1991, the United States, EU, and Japan switched to a far safer but less effective dead cell vaccine — DTaP — and discontinued using the DTP shot. At the same time, Western nations pulled the DTP, and WHO gave pharma free rein and cash to dump its toxic inventory in Africa, Asia, and Central America. The old DTP is cheaper to manufacture and more lucrative for pharma, and so, after 2002, Bill Gates and his surrogates, GAVI, WHO, and Global Fund, made DTP the flagship for their African vaccine program and continued giving this neurotoxic and often lethal vaccine to some 156 million African children annually. Health ministries worldwide must demonstrate specific uptake goals with the DTP recommendations to qualify for vital WHO assistance for HIV and other support. Before 2017, neither HHS nor WHO performed the kind of study necessary to ascertain whether the DTP vaccine yielded the beneficial health outcomes that Gates frequently boasts.1
In June 2017, Soren Mogensen, a vocal champion for the Africa vaccine program, and a team of international researchers conducted a massive peer-reviewed study to examine all-cause mortalities after the DTP shot. They published the study in EBioMedicine, a high-gravitas journal in Elsevier’s publishing house Armada. That study revealed that vaccinated girls had a tenfold higher mortality rate than unvaccinated children. It had ruined their immune systems, making them vulnerable to a wide range of deadly infections. Mogensen’s team arrived at that conclusion, as had the 1977 Lancet study researchers precisely forty years earlier.
DTP vaccine may kill more children from other causes than it saves from diphtheria, tetanus or pertussis. — Mogensen et al.
At least seven other studies have confirmed DTP’s association with high mortality in vaccinated girls compared to unvaccinated ones. The idealistic Americans who donated to Gate’s African vaccine project, believing they were saving African babies, were funding a continent-wide female genocide.
The plot thickens. One of Gates’ earliest philanthropic undertakings was a 2002 project to administer tetanus vaccines to poor women in 57 countries, secretly laced with a formula developed by the Rockefeller Foundation to sterilize women against their will. On November 6, 2014, four years after Gates pledged at a TED Talk to use vaccines to lower birth rates, medical doctors and researchers associated with the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops and the Kenya Catholic Health Commission accused WHO, UNICEF, and GAVI of secretly conducting a mass sterilization program against Kenyan women, under the veil of eradicating tetanus disease. The Catholic doctors became suspicious due to the WHO’s glaring departures from the usual tetanus vaccine protocols. Usually, a single tetanus vaccine provides a decade of immunity. Both sexes routinely get the vaccine since women and men are equally susceptible. But WHO instructed Kenyan doctors to give the vaccine in five administrations, six months apart, and only to girls of childbearing years.
Watch this chilling account of how women’s fertility was intentionally stripped away through the WHO / United Nations (UNESCO) experimental vaccination program that was promoted in more than 30 countries. Learn how evidence of a depopulation agenda was discovered.
Through 45 years of health research and the recent experience with Chuck possibly needing a tetanus shot, my main question has always been: what are these shots doing to our immune systems? To the immune system of the planet? And what are the long-term, multi-generational implications of vaccine dependency? Can we embody a different relationship with the pathogens and toxins we perceive as enemies? In our attempt to reverse engineer the human immune system, will we pause long enough to gain insight into a new system that makes the old system obsolete?
True to my approach as an educator, I feel it is vital for people to have access to unbiased information to make informed choices. But when you have captured agencies like the CDC, WHO, FDA, etc., where are people supposed to look? I have chosen to look within, to trust my intuition and the resonant frequency that delivers what we need in every given moment. Stay true to yourself. That is where the transformation begins.
The Real Anthony Fauci by RFK, Jr. — Specific references to above studies and the “Diabolical Agenda” can be found in Chapter 10: More Harm Than Good, pg. 681-739.
How is Chuck now?